2 yards 15 minutes loading time
4 yards 20 minutes loading time
6 yards 30 minutes loading time
8 yards 40 minutes loading time
10 yards 50 minutes loading time
12 yards 60 minutes loading time
We Do All The Loading & All Disposal Fees Are Included
Common Load Sizes
One cubic yard (91cm x 91cm x 91cm) is roughly the size of two washing machines or one white domestic fridge freezer. We have added guides to how many bin bags you could fit in them and the type of project each truck load is commonly used for.
4 yard load (30 bin bags) - A 4 cubic yards and is perfect for small kitchen and bathroom refurbishment jobs. It holds the equivalent of 30-40 bin bags.
6 yard load (50 bin bags)- A '6 yarder' is one of the most common load sizes and is great for DIY or building projects such as removing a medium sized kitchen. It holds the equivalent of 50 bin bags or up to ¾ tonne.